October 1992 was the first time that Filipino American History Month (FAHM) was celebrated in the United States. In 2009, U.S. Congress declared October as FAHM. This year, the Filipino American National Historical Society (FANHS) has announced the theme: “Struggle, Resistance, Solidarity, and Resilience.”
On Oct. 4th, 2024, CSDFEA kicked off FAHM 2024 at the San Diego Filipino Film Festival, as a proud screening partner for the closing film, GomBurZa. On Oct. 8th, Vice Chair Lawson-Remer and Supervisor Montgomery Steppe presented CSDFEA a proclamation in celebration FAHM 2024. On Oct. 27th, CSDFEA will partner with Poway Library to celebrate FAHM with the community through entertainment and art.
On Oct. 4th, 2024, CSDFEA kicked off FAHM 2024 at the San Diego Filipino Film Festival, as a proud screening partner for the closing film, GomBurZa. On Oct. 8th, Vice Chair Lawson-Remer and Supervisor Montgomery Steppe presented CSDFEA a proclamation in celebration FAHM 2024. On Oct. 27th, CSDFEA will partner with Poway Library to celebrate FAHM with the community through entertainment and art.
October 1992 was the first time that Filipino American History Month (FAHM) was celebrated in the United States. In 2009, U.S. Congress declared October as FAHM. Every year, CSDFEA observes FAHM and this year CSDFEA hosted three events curated for Filipino Americans in San Diego and Los Angeles to share their stories.
"Everybody doesn't have to be a hero, everybody doesn't have to be famous. Each person who's Filipino American, to me, is very, very important as a story... Our stories are really in our people. It's not much in what the achievements much as what is the story itself." - Fred Cordova, founder of the Filipino American National Historical Society (FAHNS)

October is Filipino American History Month (FAHM). It’s a time to recognize and celebrate the contributions of Filipino Americans including their role in the California Farm Labor Movement, United States military, healthcare industry, and many other fields and industries. As per the President of the United States, “Filipino Americans are an essential part of our Nation’s strength and diversity, a living reminder of the courage of immigrants and a growing force in our civic movements and engagement.”
CSDFEA has put together a FAHM Bingo of October Activities. Play with a friend(s) and see who gets to bingo first!
CSDFEA has put together a FAHM Bingo of October Activities. Play with a friend(s) and see who gets to bingo first!
"Filipino Americans are the second largest Asian American group in the nation and the third largest ethnic group in California, after Latinas/os and African Americans. The celebration of Filipino American History Month in October commemorates the first recorded presence of Filipinos in the continental United States, which occurred on October 18, 1587, when “Luzones Indios” came ashore from the Spanish galleon Nuestra Senora de Esperanza and landed at what is now Morro Bay, California. In 2009, U.S. Congress recognized October as Filipino American History Month in the United States. Various states, counties and cities in the U.S. have have established proclamations and resolutions declaring observance of Filipino American History Month. The late Dr. Fred Cordova, along with his wife, FANHS Founder Dr. Dorothy Laigo Cordova, first introduced October as Filipino American History Month in 1992 with a resolution from the FANHS National Board of Trustees." - Filipino American National Historical Society
CSDFEA is celebrating throughout October with social, cultural, and community service events (see below). We encourage CSDFEA members and the community to take time in October to learn more about the history and contributions of Filipino Americans.
CSDFEA is celebrating throughout October with social, cultural, and community service events (see below). We encourage CSDFEA members and the community to take time in October to learn more about the history and contributions of Filipino Americans.
"Filipino Americans are the second largest Asian American group in the nation and the third largest ethnic group in California, after Latinas/os and African Americans. The celebration of Filipino American History Month in October commemorates the first recorded presence of Filipinos in the continental United States, which occurred on October 18, 1587, when “Luzones Indios” came ashore from the Spanish galleon Nuestra Senora de Esperanza and landed at what is now Morro Bay, California. In 2009, U.S. Congress recognized October as Filipino American History Month in the United States. Various states, counties and cities in the U.S. have have established proclamations and resolutions declaring observance of Filipino American History Month. The late Dr. Fred Cordova, along with his wife, FANHS Founder Dr. Dorothy Laigo Cordova, first introduced October as Filipino American History Month in 1992 with a resolution from the FANHS National Board of Trustees." - Filipino American National Historical Society
CSDFEA is celebrating throughout October with social, cultural, and community service events (see below). We encourage CSDFEA members and the community to take time in October to learn more about the history and contributions of Filipino Americans.
CSDFEA is celebrating throughout October with social, cultural, and community service events (see below). We encourage CSDFEA members and the community to take time in October to learn more about the history and contributions of Filipino Americans.
CSDFEA is celebrating Filipino American History Month 2018 by bringing its members together in fun, meaningful ways all month long!
The Filipino American National Historical Society (FANHS) has been observing October as Filipino American History Month since 1991 to commemorate the first documented landing of Filipinos in the United States over 425 years ago. In November 2009, Congress passed the resolution officially recognizing October as Filipino American History Month. Filipino American History Month is widely celebrated with many Filipino American organizations hosting independent commemorative celebrations.
CSDFEA is celebrating Filipino American History Month 2017 by bringing its members together in fun, meaningful ways all month long!
CSDFEA 4th Annual Potluck Picnic @ Glorietta Bay (Oct. 7) CSDFEA will kick-off Filipino American History Month with a Potluck Picnic at Glorietta Bay, Coronado. Get to know CSDFEA members and their families, enjoy delicious Filipino dishes, and relish in the beauty of Glorietta Bay! We’ll also have games, entertainment, and even have a couple of kayaks ready for those who want to venture into the water. This event is open to CSDFEA members and their family &friends only. CSDFEA Group Workout @ Convention Center (Oct. 14) Health of its members is important to CSDFEA and one of our priorities is to continue to provide members the opportunity to participate in group fitness activities. The CSDFEA Members’ Group Workout @ Convention Center is an early morning walk and workout at the Convention Center and Embarcadero. Along the way, we will make multiple stops for various body weight exercises such as push-ups, squats, pull-ups, static hangs, wall walks, planks, box jumps/step-ups and abs exercises. Beginners are welcome and exercises will be tailored/modified for each person's ability. This event is open to CSDFEA members and their family &friends only. CSDFEA 3rd Annual CSDFEA Larry Itliong Day (Oct. 25) In the summer of 2015, California Gov. Jerry Brown signed the bill that established Larry Itliong's birthday, Oct. 25, as Larry Itliong Day. Itliong was a Filipino American labor organizer who has been described as "one of the fathers of the West Coast labor movement." This year, CSDFEA's theme is "Coming to America - the Achievement of Filipino Americans". Join us for some light appetizers, and a great opportunity to learn about the Filipino American perspective. SCHOOL SUPPLIES DRIVE FOR CASA DE AMPARO CSDFEA will be collecting from its members, donation toward a school supplies drive to benefit local non-profit, Casa de Amparo. Our goal is to collect enough supplies for 20 students residing at Casa de Amparo. |
CSDFEA is celebrating Filipino American History Month 2016 by bringing its members together in fun, meaningful ways all month long.